Peacock Early Music Series

*** All pieces can be ordered here or here ***

PEMS 001 Solos for Two ed. Jeanne Dolmetsch for AA, £12.00
18th-century solos for treble recorder with an accompanying part for a second treble recorder by Carl Dolmetsch- based on Schott's "15 Solos by 18th-century Composers", ED 12216

PEMS 002 Fantasia Seconda by Giovanni Antonio Terzi arr. by Justin Godoy for SATB, £6.50
Fantasia seconda in modo di canzon francese del'autore: Il Seconda Libro de Intavolutara di Liuto (1599)

PEMS 003 Fantasia in D minor by William Byrd arr. by Justin Godoy for SATB, £6.50

PEMS 004 The Carman's Whistle by William Byrd arr. by Justin Godoy for ATB, £6.50

PEMS 005 Pavan and Galliard in G minor by William Byrd arr. by Justin Godoy for SATB, £6.50

PEMS 006 2 Fantasias by Francesco Canova da Milano arr. by Justin Godoy for AAB, £6.50

PEMS 007 Batalha! by Pedro de Araujo arr. Tom Beets for 8 SATB + TBGbCb, £5.00

PEMS 008 Jubilate Deo Omnis Terra by G Gabrieli transcribed for 8 recorders by Joanna Brown, SSAATTBB £9.50

PEMS 009 Prelude and Ground "The Queen's Goodnight" by William Byrd adapted for five recorders by George Hunter, SATTB £8.50

PEMS 010 Fantasia a 6 no. 2 by William Byrd adapted for recorders by George Hunter, S.S.A.T.T.B. £ 8.50

PEMS 011 Fantasia of Five Parts by William Byrd adapted for recorders by George Hunter, S.A.T.T.B. £8.50

PEMS 012 Concerto Grosso Op 6 No 3 c. 1710 by A. Corelli arranged for recorders by Moira Usher, S.A.T.B.Gb. Opt Cb, £9.75
The Contra bass, although optional, is highly desirable.

PEMS 013 Jauchzet dem Herren, Psalm 100 by Heinrich Schutz arranged by Moira Usher for recorders in 2 choirs SATB/SATB £9.75

PEMS 014   Anthony Holborne Pavans, Galliards, Almains and other short Airs in five parts, Cantus, Altus, Quintus, Tenor and Bass.       Complete with 6 part books encased in a plastic file    £40.00
Separately: Score £11.50; Parts £4.25.  The boxed set will normally be supplied with 6 recorder parts. String clef parts are also available at £4.25
In our edition the extra part is the Altus part (2nd part) is included in a version written up an octave for the comfort of treble players although many of the pieces fit comfortably on the descant recorder and therefore the original Altus part is more useful for these pieces.

PEMS 015 Corelli: La Follia  for treble recorder and BC, edited  by Alan Davis,    £11.50
This edition is based on the Walsh publication of 1702 but with reference to he violin original. It is presented as a score with a realised figured bass, together with a two-part score of the recorder part and unrealised figured bass as well as separate recorder and bass parts.

PEMS 016 "Ma fin est mon commencement" by Machaut for TTB & "A gre 'amors" (Anon) for TBB, edited by Susan Iadone, £5.00  

PEMS 017 "Credo in unum Deum" by Guillaume Dufay arr. Susan Iadone for TTT £6.00  

PEMS 018 En vous amer - anonymous French Cypriot  S.S/A.T,   £5.00
transcribed for recorders by Susan Iadone

PEMS 019  Girolamo Cavazzoni  Canzon sopra "Falte D'Argens", £6.50
for recorder quartet  B,B,Gb,Cb,  edited by Susan Iadone.
This piece will delight all those who love playing bass consorts

PEMS 020  Telemann - Concerto TEL 44:43, arranged in 10 parts by Anne Martin for SSTAATTBBGb, £8.50

PEMS 021  Purcell - Sound the Trumpet arranged by Joanna Brown for recorders SAATBB,  £6.50

PEMS 022    Erasmus Widmann (1572-1634)  - Ganz Neue Canzon, Intraden, Balletten und Courranten in 5 parts 
ed. George Simmons and Virginia Van Poole
for SAATB, £40
Cantus, Quinta, Altus, Tenor, Bassus. There are quinta and tenor parts in C clef and altus written one octave lower for string players which makes the set more flexible.

PEMS 023 Paduanen/ Galliarden/Canzonen/Allmand/ und Coranten by William Brade arr. George Simmons, for 5 SSATB with c clef parts for alto & tenor parts for viols, £40

PEMS 024  de Rore - Io Canterei arr. Justin Godoy for ATTB, £6.50

PEMS 025 Valente - 4 Versi per Organo arr. Justin Godoy for SATB  £6.50

PEMS 026  Dyricke Gerada (1540-1580) arr. Joanna Brown - Dulces Exuviae  for SATTB, £6.50

PEMS 027  Purcell - The Old Batchelor arr. Richard Coles for SATB, £5.00

PEMS 028  Purcell - The Gordian Knot Untied  arr Richard Coles for SATB, £6.50

PEMS 029  Vivaldi  - Al Santo Sepulcro arr. Richard Coles for AATB, £5.50 

PEMS 030 Handel - Sonatas in G major and e minor arr. Alan Davis for flute or voice flute, £12.75

PEMS 031 Handel - Sonatas in A major and f sharp arr. Alan Davis for flute or voice flute, £12.75

PEMS 032 Handel - Sonatas in D major and b minor arr. Alan Davis for flute or voice flute, £12.75

PEMS 033R Sampson Estwick's Trio Sonata in C minor re-created by Alan Howard for two alto recorders & bass recorder, with optional continuo, £7.00


For the keyboard players there is an interesting collection of pieces edited by Richard Siegel, a harpsichordist of note working from France after finishing his studies in America. He is a soloist, accompanist and teacher. In 2002 he was awarded a "Fondation de France" honouring his career.
PEMS 34 Chefs d'oeuvre for forte-piano by Séjan, Méhul and Boieldieu, £10.50. This piece can be purchased at Jacks, Pipes and Hammers


Gordon Callon has been working on editions of Hotteterre le Romain. Several pages of notes on French style and ornamentation will be invaluable if you are unfamiliar with with this

PEMS 035F Hotteterre: the original Flute edition of Hotteterre Premiere Suite de Pieces a deux dessus sans basse continue, £7.00
Recorder players may wish to play in this original key on their voice flutes  
PEMS 035R Hotteterre: Premiere Suite de Pieces a deux Dessus, sans Basse Continue, £7.00
This is a transposed version for recorders from the flute original. Those wishing to use voice flute or flute it is available in the original key using F after the catalogue number. These treble recorder duets are stunningly beautiful and the edition is well laid out and nicely set.

PEMS 048  Hotteterre le Romain: Deuxieme Suite de Pieces transcribed and edited by Gordon Callon,   £7.00
As with the first suite Gordon has included a preface. The 6 pages include notes on interpretation and execution of embellishments which are pertinent to this Second Suite.
The flute version, suitable for voice flutes is PEMS 048F


A new selection of pieces edited by Susan Iadone. All these beautiful pieces are accessible to modest players so can be enjoyed by all. They all come with an appropriate number of playing scores and the print is quite large and clear!

PEMS 036 Never weather-beaten sail by Thomas Campion, SATB, £3.00
PEMS 037 Ach Elslein by Hans Gerle,  SATB, £4.50
PEMS 038 Voyci la saison plaisante by Guillaume Costeley, SATB, £5.50
PEMS 039 Rest, sweet nymphs by Francis Pilkington, SATB,  £5.50 
PEMS 041 Guillaume se va chaufer by Josquin des Pres, SATB,  £5.25
PEMS 042 Ce moys de May by Clement Jannequin, SATB,  £5.25
PEMS 043 Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen by Heinrich Isaac, SATB, £5.25
PEMS 044 Im Maien by Ludwig Senfl, SATB, £5.50
PEMS 045 Ave Virgo, Anon, SATB, £5.50
PEMS 046 Fortuna desperata by Josquin des Pres, SA/TB,  £4.50
PEMS 047 Francion vint lautre jour by Pierre Bonnet, SSATB, £5.50


PEMS 049  Sonata K.238 by Domenico Scarlatti arranged by James Kurtz for recorders A.A.T.B. £4.50
A gentle one-movement Sonata, originally in F minor but transposed here to A minor.

PEMS 050 Es war ein wunderlicher Krieg by J S Bach arranged by James Kurtz for recorders S.A.T.B,  £5.00
This is from Cantata 4. The chorale theme is in the Alto part and, although simple to play, has a powerful impression on the otherwise florid music.

PEMS 051 Hymnus De Adventu Domini by Samuel Scheidt edited and arranged by Tom Beets for recorders SATB or TBGbCb, £7.00
The piece is based on the Gregorian chant "Veni, Redemptor Gentium". Although it was conceived for organ this transcription respects the original texture and preserves the original tonality.

PEMS 052 Sonata a 3 by Francesco Cavalli, transcribed & Edited by Gordon J Callon for 2 violins, Cello / Theorbo and Bc, £12.50

PEMS 053 Sonata a 3 by Francesco Cavalli, transcribed & Edited by Gordon J Callon for 2 treble viol, bass viol & bc, £12.50

PEMS 054 Sonata a 12 by Francesco Cavalli, transcribed & Edited by Gordon J Callon for 4 treble, 5 tenor, 3 bass viols & bc, £15.00

PEMS 055   Cavalli Sonata a 3 transcribed and edited by Gordon Callon from the original for recorders, £12.50
There is an extensive preface with information on Cavalli’s Canzona , interpretation, ornaments and embellishment. The Great Bass function is Basso Continuo so it is quite acceptable to play without keyboard or, indeed, with keyboard and no Gb. There is a separate realised keyboard part.

PEMS 056 Melchior Franck: Twenty Four Intradas for six instruments edited by George Simmons and Virginia Van Poole, £40 full set, £35 w/o string parts.
This edition appears to be the first "modern" edition of the entire set of 24 Intradas including full set of score and part books. Three inner parts are provided in G an F clefs for use in mixed consort. These are excellent pieces for both mixed consort or recorders at 4 foot or 8 foot. SSATTB or AATB,Gb,Cb

PEMS 057 Vivaldi Concert in G major RV 298 arranged for eight recorders by Joanna Brown; Sno.S.A.T,T..B.Gb.Cb. - £14.50
This is an arrangement of Vivaldi's violin concerto. The top three parts are technically demanding in places, the lower parts taking on the role of the orchestra.

PEMS 058 Prelude (Rondeau) from "Te Deum" by Charpentier arr. by Joanna Brown for SATB or 8, £6.75
SATB but lends itself to doubling at the octave, at least for the Rondeau sections.

Charles Dieupart: Six Suites for violin or recorder (voice flute) and continuo, edited by Alan Davis and Colin Barnes, £13.50 each
PEMS 059 Volume 1 - Suite 1 in A major and Suite 2 in D major
PEMS 060 Volume 2 - Suite 3 in B minor and Suite 4 in E minor
PEMS 061 Volume 3 - Suite 5 in F major and Suite 6 in F minor

The parts include a transposed version of the solo to enable the recorder player to use "F" fingering, a violin part at the original pitch which would suit flautists or voice flute players wishing to use "D" fingering. Also provided is a score with the solo part and figured bass part for those wishing to provide their own continuo.

PEMS 062 Sonata a 4 by Francesco Cavalli, transcribed & ed. George Callon for ATBGbGb & bc, 12.75
This piece is from Musiche Concernenti Messa of 1656 and the original is for strings with BC. The instrumental pieces from this work represent a mid-point in the development of the Renaissance canzona and ricercar into the later Baroque Sonata da Chiesa. There are considerable notes on interpretation and performance.

PEMS 063 Sonata a 4 by Francesco Cavalli, transcribed & ed. George Callon for VL1, VL2, VLA, V’c & BC, £15.00

PEMS 064 Dirge for Romeo & Juliet by Charles Avison edited by Simon D I Fleming for Soprano, 2 violins & Basso Continuo, £11.00

PEMS 065 Six Trio Sonatas by William Williams, arr. Davis & Baines for AA, cello/vdg & bc, £14.75*

PEMS 066 Fantasia a 6 No 3 by Tomkins for SSATBB, £5.00

PEMS 067 Concerto RV120 by Vivaldi for ATBGbCb, £7.00

PEMS 068 Concerto in F major RV433 by Vivaldi for solo treble, £7.00

PEMS 069 Burial Sentences by Anthony Baldwin, for S A/S T/A B, £4.50

PEMS 070 Suite from Danserye (1551), by Susato edited by Tom Beets for ATTB or BGbGCb, £5.00
6 pieces chosen from the large collection of dances by Susato.

PEMS 071 Io mi son giovinetta by Suan Iadone, for 5 SSTTB, £6.50

PEMS 072 Six Trio Sonatas Vol 2 by William Williams, arr. Alan Davis & Colin Baines for 2 AA & bc, £14.75*

PEMS 073 Six Trio Sonatas Vol 3 by William Williams, arr. Alan Davis & Colin Baines for 2 AA & bc, £14.75*

*£38 for all three

PEMS 074 Contrapunctus 3 from the Art of the Fugue by J S Bach, arr. Eric Haas, £4.50

PEMS 075  Introduction to Unbarred Book 1 by Moira Usher for SATB, £10.50
PEMS 076  Introduction to Unbarred Book 2 by Moira Usher for SATTB, £12.50
Modern notation but no barlines help to bridge the gap between reading the modern notation and facsimile. Phrasing and expression is enhanced using these editions.

PEMS 077 This is the Day which the Lord hath Made by Samuel Howard (?1710 - 1782): Anthem for soprano, alto and bass soloists, chorus and orchestra, edited by Alan Howard, £27.50

PEMS 078 G P Telemann: Nine Sonatas TWV 40: 141-149 edited by Eric Haas for two trebles,  £12.00 
These are the sonatas rediscovered and sent back to Berlin in 1999 from Kiev where they were kept during World War II. A new edition - if you have not made their acquaintance, you should try them. They are very good.

PEMS 079 Thalia: A Collection of Six Favourite Songs, composed by Boyce, Arne, Smith, Battishill and Barthlemon with words by David Garrick. Edited by Simon Fleming, £13.50
Written for 2 violins, cello and bc.

PEMS 080 Corelli - Concerto Grosso Op 6 No 2 for SATBGb & opt Cb, £9.00
Another lovely Corelli Concerto Grosso. Lots of contrast and interest in all parts. Energetic but not too hard. The contra is optional but very desirable so if you have one in the group it will add richness to the sound.


Consort Music from the Court of Maximilian I
for recorders, viols and other instruments

PEMS 081 Vol. 1, 1-20 for 3, 4 and 5 parts - £20.00

PEMS 082 Vol. 2, 21-40 for 4 and 5 parts - £22.50

PEMS 083 Vol. 3, 41-60 for 3 and 4 parts £22.50

PEMS 084 Vol. 4, 61-86 for 4, 5 and 6 parts £25.00

Edited by viol and recorder player David Hatcher

All four volumes may be purchased for £75.00
Each volume is supplied with a set of parts and extra parts may be purchased separately

This scholarly and beautifully presented music makes a wonderful library of varied secular instrumental music typical of the court of Maximilian and his successor Charles V.

The five part-books now housed in the National Library of Austria, Vienna, Vienna ONB Cod. 18810, originate probably from Munich, some time in the third decade of the 16th century and contain 86 short pieces in three, four and five parts (and one in six), fourteen of which are texted. The repertoire consists of pieces by some of the greatest composers of the turn of the century, including Josquin (three pieces), Isaac (sixteen pieces), Senfl (twenty-five pieces) and Pierre de la Rue (six pieces), as well as anonymous pieces and those by lesser known contemporaries. The style of the manuscript is rather plain and evidence suggests that the part-books were compiled over a number of years. The year 1524 is given on the cover of the tenor part-book, suggesting a start date for the compilation. In his introduction to the 1987 publication of the facsimile by Alamire, Matthias Schneider surmises a date of 1535 for the last entries and also suggests that the manuscript might have been closely associated with Ludwig Senfl, the Court Composer of Maximilian I. At some point in the sixteenth century it was in the possession of the Fugger family, wealthy merchants of Augsburg, from where it was transferred to Vienna when Emperor Ferdinand III bought the Fugger family library in 1656.

Although the manuscript has been available until recently in the Alamire facsimile edition mentioned above, errors and anomalies in the part-books mean that a number of the pieces are difficult to perform directly from the original notation. The editor believes that this new edition, published in four volumes, will provide viol and recorder players with a varied collection of secular instrumental music typical of the court of Maximilian and his successor Charles V.


PEMS 085 Introduction to Unbarred - Mass in 3 voices by William Byrd, edited by Moira Usher for ATT, £10.50
This series allows players to read modern notation but, as in the original, to play the music without bar lines. This gives the music its true emphasis and expression. 
Moira has set the pieces so that everyone starts each line of music at the same time to help rehearsal problems.

PEMS 086 Introduction to Unbarred, Book 3, edited by Moira Usher. for ATB, £8.80
A selection of early trios by Agricola, Byrd, Deprez and Brummel.

PEMS 087 Introduction to Unbarred: Fantasia a 6 No.1 by Orlando Gibbons for SSATBB, edited by Moira Usher, £7.00
Playing the piece unbarred gives a new dimension to this intricate music.

PEMS 088 Introduction to Unbarred: Amavi by Michael East for SSATB or AATBGb, edited by Moira Usher, £8.80
A beautiful 5-part Fantasy presented here in two keys for flexibility of orchestration.

PEMS 089 Introduction to Unbarred: Ricercare in C by G.P. da Palestrina, edited by Moira Usher for SATB, £5.00

PEMS 090 Concerto Grosso in F by James Nares edited by Simon Fleming: score and set of parts, £12.00
This piece is for strings. Violin 1 & 2 concertino and cello, violin 1 & 2 Ripieno and BC
The original is bound into volumes primarily containing concertos and overtures by Handel, Geminiani Festing and others.
Some reconstruction  was undertaken by Simon Fleming so that a piece which has lain dormant for so many years is once again available.

PEMS 091 Gems of the Spanish Renaissance arranged for recorder trio by Susan Iadone: for 3 instruments using combinations of SATB. Playing score £5.00. Set of 3 £12.00

PEMS 093 Couranten Lustgärtlein Vol. 1, 1-15 by Christian Roth, ed. George Simmons & Philip Neuman for 5 SSATB/Cb £18.00
PEMS 106 Couranten Lustgärtlein Vol. 2 by Christian Roth, ed. George Simmons & Philip Neuman, for 5 SSATB/Cb, £18.00

PEMS 100 - Fuge VIII Das Wohltemperirte Clavier I (BWV 853) for SAB and Contrapunctus 8 Die Kunst der Fuge (BWV 1080) for STB by J S Bach

PEMS 101 Tribus Miraculis by Palestrina arr. Moira Usher for 4 SATB, £7.50
Another beautiful piece in Moira's series of pieces "Introduction to Unbarred" music. Freedom from bar lines gives the natural expressions of the words and music to emerge and is the nearest we get to the original composition without learning a whole new musical notation.

PEMS 102 Vigilate by William Byrd, arr. Terry Smurthwaite for 5 ATTBB, £7.75
"Vigilate" was published in the Cantiones Sacre of 1589 and is a setting of the words in Mark chapter 13, verses 35-37.
"Keep awake, then, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming." It was written in the first half of Byrd's career and is a piece full of madrigal-like text painting.

PEMS 103 Dixit Maria by Hans Leo Hassler edited by Terry Smurthwaite for SATB, £6.50
PEMS 104 Missa: Mille Regretz (Kyrie) by Christobal de Morales for SSATTB, £6.50
PEMS 105 Ultimi miei sospiri by Philippe Verdelot ed. Terry Smurthwaite for SAATBB,  £6.50
PEMS 107 Egressus Jesus by Giaches de Wert, arr. Moira Usher for SST/B AAB, £12.75 

Order these pieces at Recorder Music Mail

Recorder MusicMail, Scout Bottom Farm, Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire, HX7 5JS, U.K.

Tel +44 (0)1422 882751 Fax +44 (0)1422 886157